Part 1
Planting Ginger
1Start in early spring. Ginger is a tropical plant that does not survive frost. Plant after the last spring frost, or at the start of the wet season if you live in the tropics. If you live in a climate with a short growing season, you can grow the plant indoors.
2Choose your ginger plant. There are many species of ginger. To grow the most common edible variety, Zingiber officinale, all you need is ginger root from the grocery store. You can find ornamental ginger plants with vibrant flowers at a plant nursery, but these are often inedible.
- Choose ginger roots (technically rhizomes) that are plump and free of wrinkles, with visible eyes (small points) at the end of the "fingers." Eyes that have started to turn green are ideal, but not required.
- Buy organic ginger if you can. Non-organic ginger may have been treated with a growth inhibitor.Some gardeners find that soaking in warm water overnight will help stimulate inhibited plants.
- This guide covers Zingiber officinale. Most Zingiber species will grow under similar conditions, but for best results follow the nursery instructions.
3Cut the rhizome into pieces (optional). If you'd like to grow more than one plant, cut the ginger with a sanitized knife or shears. Any piece at least 1–1.5 inches (2.5–3.75 cm) wide with one or more eyes can grow into a separate plant. After cutting, leave the pieces in a dry location for a few days to allow them to heal. They will form a protective callus over the cut surface, which reduces the risk of infection.
- Each piece of ginger requires 8 inches (20 cm) of space. Use larger pieces if you need to save space.
- A piece with three or more eyes is more likely to sprout.
4Prepare the soil. Ginger thrives on high-quality, well-draining soil. Mixing garden soil with an equal amount of well-rotted compost should do the trick.[7] If your soil is poor quality or heavy in clay, purchase rich potting soil instead.
- If you want to keep a closer eye on the ginger, you can begin with a starting tray full of sphagnum moss or coconut fiber.[8] These materials drain very well, preventing rot in young plants. You will need to transplant the ginger to soil once leaves and roots form, which can be traumatic for the plant.
- Like most garden plants, ginger prefers mildly acidic soils. If soil in your area is alkaline, adjust it to between 6.1 and 6.5 pH using a garden store pH kit.[9]
5Choose a location. Ginger prefers partial shade or areas with morning sun only, away from large roots.[10] The growing location should be sheltered from wind and moist, but not swampy. If the ginger plant has not yet germinated, soil temperatures must be warm — ideally between 71 and 77ºF (22–25ºC).[11]
- If growing the ginger in pots, choose a pot at least 12 inches (30cm) deep. A plastic pot is better than terra cotta, as long as you poke plenty of drainage holes in the base.[12]
- Ginger can grow in full shade in the tropics, but these locations may be too cool at other latitudes.
6Plant the ginger. Plant each piece of ginger 2–4 inches (5–10 cm) below loose soil, with the buds pointing upward.[13] If planting in rows, keep each piece 8 inches (20 cm) apart. If planting in pots, plant 2–3 pieces per large pot (14 in./35 cm diameter).[14]
Part 2
Caring for Growing Ginger
1Keep the soil damp. Water lightly right after planting. Check the soil daily and water just before it dries out completely.[15] Soggy soil will quickly rot your plants, so reduce watering or improve drainage if water does not drain quickly.
2Watch for germination. Ginger grows slowly, especially outside of the tropics. A sprout might appear within a few days if you're lucky, but continue to water for at least a couple weeks before giving up on the plant.
- Stick to the same watering treatment after germination.
3Fertilize monthly (optional). Fertilization is not required if the ginger is in rich soil, especially if you've mixed in compost. If soil is poor or you'd like to improve yield, fertilize with a small amount of complete liquid fertilizer each month.[16]
4Mulch outdoor ginger (optional). Once the ginger has sprouted, mulch will keep it warm and fight weeds, which can easily out compete slow-growing ginger. A thick layer of mulch is mandatory if soil temperatures fall below 50ºF (10ºC) during the growing season.[17]
5Let soil dry as the stems die back. The stems of the ginger plant will turn yellow in late summer or early fall, as temperatures drop. Reduce water as this happens, and stop watering entirely once the stems die.
- The ginger plant might not flower the first year or two after planting, or if the growing season is short.
6Let the plant mature before harvesting. Ginger develops a much stronger flavor if allowed to develop in the ground. After the stems die, and at least 8 months after planting, dig up the ginger rhizome. Cutting off pieces for cooking will not kill the plant as long as you leave some eyes behind.[18]
- Young ginger is sometimes harvested 3–4 months after planting, usually intended for pickling. Young ginger must be harvested carefully due to its thinner, easily bruised skin.[19]
- Use a sanitized knife to cut the plant.
7Prepare for cold weather. Unless you live in the tropics, bringing the ginger indoors for the winter is recommended. Store in a warm, dry location. If you leave the ginger outdoors, cover it with a thick layer of mulch as soon as the temperature drops below 50ºF (10ºC). Ginger is a perennial plant in warm climates, but will rarely survive frost.
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